Tsne representation of spermatogenesis (EmptyDrops)

This shiny App visualizes the EmptyDrops filtered cells. The usage is the same as the shiny App visualizing the cellranger filtered cells. Here, the label 'NewCell' indicates cells that are lost using the Cell Ranger pipeline.
Please select the gene symbol you would like to visualize. Visualization of the expression of whole chromosomes is achieved when entering the chromosome name (e.g. ChrX).
Please select one or multiple datasets for visualization. The cells were mapped to adult B6 samples as reference.
Please select the somatic or germ cell types for visualization. eP: early Pachytene spermatocytes, mP: mid Pachytene spermatocytes, lP: late Pachytene spermatocytes, D: Diplotene spermatocytes, M: Meiosis, S: Spermatid, PTM: Peritubular Myoid Cells, tMg: testicular Macrophages